Edited by Pamela Eller
I'm an inmate at Graterford State Prison doing a life sentence for a crime I
did not commit. Not only was I falsely accused, but I was wrongly convicted
of an arson-murder that happened October 30, 1984.
During my fight for freedom I've talked to quite a few people.
Felito Feliz Mendoza, an inmate at Graterford, told me about
the magazine, Justice Denied, and told me about their fight on behalf of the
innocent. He also told me about your daughter's fight for freedom and her
I feel it is time for me to write my story and show how the evidence they
have is very superficial and how they found me guilty. On October 30, 1984 a
house was set on fire in North Philadelphia. The fire started between 3:30
a.m. and 3:43 a.m. Truly this was a malicious act and it was to become a
cataclysm in my life that would set me within a violent situation in
Graterford Prison.
Sometime in August of 1984, I was a construction worker for a
local union and when I wasn't working for them I was self-employed as an
exterminator. One day I ran into some friends and they wanted to get high so
I agreed. I left my roach bombs at a friend's house who is related
to my oldest son as an aunt by marriage. Anyway, while I was at another house
with my friends a few of them left ahead of me and went back to the house
where I left the roach bombs and they took two cans. Of course, I didn't know
this at the time. When I returned to the house where I left the roach bombs I
saw a theft had taken place and two cans were missing. I became angry with
the fellow who was sitting by the box. His name is "Cowboy" I
asked him who took the spray and he said he didn't know. So I told him if he
didn't tell me who took the spray he was going to pay for it. Another man,
who eventually died in the fire, came to me and wanted to pay for the spray
and I told him, "No, you didn't have anything to do with it." I told Cowboy
if he didn't tell me who took the spray I would kick his ass and he would
still pay for the spray. This went on for a few days because I was so
disgusted and filled with sarcasm.
Two weeks later my friends came to me and told me the truth about the theft.
They told me they had taken the spray and they would pay for it. I decided to
tell them, "No, I don't want the money. I just wanted to know who took the
spray." After that we began to drink wine together. After I had the truth of
what happened with the spray, my anger was over and there was no need for me
to have a motive to hurt or do anything to anyone.
Apparently, the Philadelphia Police didn't think that way. Two months later
the house was set on fire that night in October. A few days later Bo died. Bo
is the man who was the boyfriend of the owner of the house. Her name is
"Baby." Right after the fire the police came around and started asking
questions about it and some young girl said she saw me in the
neighborhood that night walking away from the fire. In a black neighborhood
when a person says something of that nature it runs rampant throughout the
neighborhood. The story spread through the neighborhood fast. Little did I
know an arrest was inevitable. On the night of the fire I was with a lady at
home in bed. After the lies went around the neighborhood for two months and
hearing those despicable lies about me I decided to go to the police
department, by the request of a police officer, and try to extinguish the
lies. I just wanted to diminish the suspicion of my guilt and being a suspect.
Another young lady by the name of Annette McCurry made a statement on
November 7, 1984 saying that she knows me, but didn't see me before, during
or after the fire, but 16 months later that same girl had the audacity to
change her statement and say that she saw me the night of the fire.
In February 1985 I took a lie detector test and was interrogated. I passed
the lie detector test with flying colors, but they still arrested me in March
1986 for this crime. After my arrest I went to trial on October 6 and 7 of 1986 and was convicted of arson, murder and a lot of other charges. My
lawyer was very ineffective. He never called witnesses on my behalf and he
had names and addresses of these people he got from me. At trial the District
Attorney subpoenaed Annette's boyfriend to testify against me, but he told
the truth, Annette didn't see anything. She was drunk the night of the fire
so she couldn't have seen me. At the pre-hearing Annette also testified that
she wasn't a drinker, but she did have a few drinks at the disco club that
night before going home. Her boyfriend also testified he pulled the fire
alarm and he helped the people out of the house that night and he never saw
me in the vicinity. Annette also said that I used to hang out with her
brother, who is deceased. According to my private investigator, her brother
is not dead. Why does she lie?
After I was found guilty the District Attorney sent me a statement saying
they withheld the dying declaration of Bo saying, "his girlfriend had done
this to him." Bo's girlfriend also said at the hearing she and Bo had an
argument that night and she put him out of her house and he refused to leave.
I have copies of statements made by the Commonwealth's only witness against
me and in that testimony she says she never saw the person's face because she
was "half a block away and she was high." She also said in her first
statement about me in November 1984, "she wasn't high on cocaine", but when
she made her second statement she says she was high on cocaine.
I fought for 25 months on post conviction relief because of the
ineffectiveness of counsel. The judge said she wanted to give me a new trial
because the trial merits a new one because of the ineffectiveness of my
counsel, but after my new lawyer and I proved our point she didn't give us
the new trial. I have notes and statements from the paramedics, in which the
dying man told them who did this malicious and horrible thing to him. I hired
a private detective in 1996, by the name of Paul J. Paris and he talked to
the paramedics again and he was told no one ever came to talk to him or take
a statement other than the officer who took his statement in 1984.
I can prove my innocence and the arresting officer was never called to
testify at my trial as to the probable cause that resulted in my arrest. I
need public exposure and help. I have one year to file a Federal Habeas
Corpus with the Court and I need help doing this so I can prove my innocence.
I pray to God I can get some help from someone out there. I am a victim of
injustice. I pray that someone will hear me.
1. Lorraine Palmer started my name flowing around the
neighborhood the night of the fire by saying she and her boyfriend, Tyrone Paige, had seen me walking down Indiana Avenue around 1:00
a.m. This was the night of the fire, October 30, 1984. She
never made a statement until March 18, 1986 17 months later.
I talked to her personally the night after the fire in the presence of
her aunt and the brothers of the owner of the house in question. Their names
are George and Vincent. At that time she told her aunt, after she was asked
if she saw me, "I saw him walking down Indiana Avenue last night around 1:00
a.m." She never said she saw me walking down Percy Street at all. Her Aunt
Bunny replied, "listen, if you didn't see him start this fire, shut your
mouth, because this is serious stuff here." At this time October 30, 1984 , she was 17
years old. When she made her statement she was 18 years old. We have proof
through her boyfriend, Tyrone Paige, that Lorraine lied about that night
because he wasn't out there that night with her at all.
2. Annette McCurry made a statement on 11-7-84, 7:00 p.m., 8 days after the
fire. When asked what she knew about the fire, her exact words were, "a
couple of weeks ago my girlfriend Lorraine came around and Harold was in 3011
N. Percy St. and he was telling Miss Baby Brothers that he didn't start the
fire. Rainey (Lorraine) told her cousin, Bunny, that on the night of the fire
she was on the corner with her boyfriend and that Harold was the only person
on the block, Harold said he didn't start the fire." When asked, "did anyone
tell her who started the fire," she replied, "no." Everything in her first
statement is "hearsay." When asked did she see me before, during, or after
the fire, she replied, "no." Then on 3-13-86, 11:10 a.m., she said I was the
one who committed the fire the night of October 30, 1984 . She also said I used to
hang with her brother who's deceased, and that's a lie. Her brother is still
living and I never hung around with him.
3. My mother's next-door neighbor, Linda Leak, made a statement on
11-14-84. When she was asked what she knew about the fire her reply was, "I
wasn't there. Annette, from Percy Street came around and told me that Rainey
said she saw Harold on the corner before the fire and when Bo (Juanita)
jumped out of the window, she saw Harold on the corner." When she was asked
if she knew who started the fire she replied, "no." Her mother also said that
her daughter doesn't know anything about the fire because she was home in bed
when the fire happened. Linda Leak's first statement was made on 11-14-84 at
6:50; a.m. or p.m., and was never mentioned. Detectives Bennett and
Morton did the interview and everything she says in this interview came from
Miss McCurry's hearsay. On 3-13-86 at 5:25 p.m., she made another statement
that was also hearsay because she used the words, "at least that's what
Annette told me." She told me they argued.
Ernest Pleasant made a statement on 1-3-86 saying he heard me say I killed
Mr. Harris. He said a couple of months after the fire happened he was on the
corner of Germantown and Somerset, when in fact, when this fire happened Mr.
Pleasant was doing time at Rockview State Prison and had been there for over
1 year. When he came home the fire was almost 9 months old. So how could he
hear me say I was involved with any part of this incident? After
these officers couldn't find any probable cause to arrest anyone they turned
their case over to Officers McNesby and Cimino. These two officers talked to
me on 2-21-85 because another officer by the name of Avon Wilson asked me to
take a lie detector test to clear myself. I did and I was interrogated and
given the test and I passed both. I was let go after about 4 hours. They told
me I was telling the truth. They waited for almost 14 months after my
original statement was made to arrest me for the crime.
Proof will show Officers McNesby and Cimino took Mr. Pleasant's statement and
went to Miss McCurry and coerced her for almost 3 months to change her
original statement that was made 11-7-84 to the one she made on 3-13-86. With
Mr. Pleasant saying he heard me say I killed Mr. Harris, they figured if Miss
McCurry could place me on the spot they could get a conviction.
They also did the same thing to Linda Leak. Her original statement dated
11-14-84 was all hearsay and so was her second statement dated 3-13-86. The
officer took Mr. Pleasant's statement, got Miss McCurry to change hers, as
well as Miss Leak, and took it to a Magistrate and got probable cause to
arrest me with hearsay statements.
I also have a statement from fireman Robert Clark, badge number 2179, who
was the paramedic that night transferring the victim to the hospital. He
heard the victim, say to his girlfriend, "look, see what you did to me." This
statement was made 11-8-84 at 1500 hours. He was interviewed again on October
or November 1997 and made the same statement. He said from all the years of
being a fireman working out of the paramedic department, the victim was
saying the lady was the cause of the fire. He also said no one ever talked to
him concerning this matter other than homicide detective H. Allen, no lawyer
and no DA.
My lawyer was ineffective because he never got my witnesses to come to trial.
He never talked to:
1. George Stokes
2. Tyrone Paige
3 Larry Holiday
4 Carl Jones
5 Alibi witness Ella Mae Brown
6 Dwayne
These witnesses got the chance to tell their story after I was found guilty
during my post verdict motion trial I fought for 25 months.
Motive used by District Attorney:
The DA used the two cans of Roach Bomb that were stolen from me as a motive
for the fire. I knew what happened, and who stole the spray 2 ½ months before
the fire started. Carl Jones and Larry Holiday were the ones who stole the
spray from me and they told me they did this. I apologized to Cowboy for
accusing him.
Harold E. Staten #AS-2651
P.O.BOX 244
Graterford, PA 19426-0244
My outside contacts are:
James T. Lassiter
7511 Maryland Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19138
Mrs. Faye Douglas
PO BOX 30152
Winston Salem, NC 27130-0152