An important UPDATE to the Choctaw Three saga follows the main report!
The Tragedy of the Choctaw Three:
Medell Banks Jrs.’ Conviction for Killing A Non-Existent Child Is Thrown Out As A “Manifest Injustice”
By Hans Sherrer, JD Special Correspondent
On August 9, 2002, The Alabama Court of Appeals threw out Medell Banks Jrs.’ conviction for killing a child that never existed. Medell is one of the Choctaw Three who confessed to the murder of a non-existent child after days of interrogation without being allowed access to a lawyer. The appeals court ruled “a manifest injustice has occurred in this case.”
There are many known cases of wrongful conviction for the murder of a victim
whose body was never found, because the person was in fact still living.
Nebraska's governor commemorated one such error on March 25, 1987 by
posthumously pardoning William Jackson Marion on the 100th anniversary of his
hanging for the murder of a man who turned up alive four years later. In
another notorious case, Antonio Rivera and Merla Walpole's protestations of
innocence fell on deaf ears when they were convicted in 1975 of killing their
3 year old daughter ten years earlier. While imprisoned and awaiting a
retrial, their then 13 year-old daughter turned up alive and well in San
It is undeniably outrageous for a person to be convicted of murdering someone
who is alive, but a case in Choctaw County, Alabama goes far beyond that
injustice. Not content with the mere crudity of prosecuting a person for the
murder of someone who is perfectly healthy -- the great State of Alabama
indicted and prosecuted two women and a man for the capital murder of a
child that never existed.
The horrific saga of the Choctaw Three -- Victoria Bell Banks, Medell Banks
Jr. and Dianne Bell Tucker -- began in February 1999. Victoria was in the
Choctaw County jail in Butner, Alabama, a town of 2,000, when she decided to
feign being pregnant as a ploy to get released. The first doctor that
examined her, Dr. Roshdy Habib, found no sign of pregnancy. The second doctor who examined her claimed to have heard a fetal heart beat. Victoria
didn't permit either doctor to do a pelvic exam, no tests were performed on
her, and there was nothing in her physical appearance or behavior to indicate
she was pregnant. The second doctor's cursory and unsubstantiated diagnose
was sufficient for Victoria to be released on bond in May 1999, after she
threatened to sue the jail for failing to provide prenatal care.
On August 3, 1999 the Choctaw County sheriff encountered Victoria and asked
about the baby that would have been born in June based on what she said while
in jail. When Victoria told him she had a miscarriage, the Sheriff escorted
her to the office of the second doctor that had seen her in the county jail.
Victoria was examined and it was determined that there was no evidence she
had ever been pregnant.
Three days later Victoria was taken into custody and the police wanted to
know what happened to the "missing" baby that had been the reason she was
released on bond in May. The police questioned Victoria, Medell Banks Jr.,
her husband she had been separated from for several years, and her sister
Dianne Tucker. All three are poor, black, and for lack of a more politically
correct word, have been described as mentally retarded. Victoria has an IQ of
40 and Medell has an IQ of 57.
Victoria Bell Banks (l),
her estranged husband, Medell Banks Jr. (m), and her sister, Dianne Bell
Tucker (r)
The three told the police Victoria had pretended to be pregnant as a ruse to
get out of jail, and that she couldn't have been pregnant because her tubes
were tied in 1995. However, after being questioned for extended periods of
time without being allowed to consult with a lawyer, they all confessed to
participating in the killing of the "missing" child. Based on their
"confessions" the three were indicted for capital murder on September 15,
1999: a charge that carries a penalty of either death or life in prison
without parole. Facing the specter of being executed in the
electric chair if convicted after a trial, all three were eventually
pressured into pleading guilty to manslaughter. Victoria only did so after
her trial had begun in November 2000, and Medell and Dianne did so six months
later as their trial dates approached.
The outrageousness of the circumstances surrounding the alleged "confessions"
of the Choctaw Three is hinted at by the fact a tape recording the prosecutor
claimed contained a waiver by Medell of his right to an attorney, contains
nothing comprehensible except his clear request for the police to let him go
home. The coercion involved in the false confessions by the three Choctaw
defendants is also indicated by the fact that Medell, in spite of his mental
limitations, only confessed under the duress of intense and prolonged
interrogation for days without the aid of consulting with a lawyer.
After languishing in jail for almost two years, Medell Banks Jr. entered a
"best interest" guilty plea on May 7, 2001. However, Medell didn't go quietly
into the night when he entered the guilty plea that would send him into the
hell of Alabama's third-world prison system. He told Circuit Court Judge Lee
McPhearson, as he had told anyone who would listen, that he was innocent:
"Your Honor, I don't think I have been treated fairly. I got a son out there
I love, I want to be with the rest of my life, do what I can to be with him,
show him all the love, respect I can. For this here, I don't think I been
treated fairly.
And it hurts me in my heart to get time for something I didn't do. I wasn't
there. I don't know nothing about nothing. (R. 83.)"
On June 25, 2001, Judge McPhearson sentenced Medell Banks to 15 years in
prison, the same sentence given to Victoria Banks and Dianne Tucker. The same
day Medell was sentenced, the judge granted a motion by his lawyer for a
medical examination of Victoria she had agreed in advance to undergo.
Although Medell's lawyer had previously obtained X-rays that showed
Victoria's fallopian tubes were sealed, an examination would prove with a
scientific certainty she couldn't become pregnant naturally. That finding
would constitute medical proof the Choctaw Three were innocent of killing a
child that had never existed.

Victoria (l) and her
sister Dianne (r) in the prison library.
Medell's court appointed lawyers, Rick Hutchinson and Jim Evans had been
inspired to go the extra mile in fighting for him by his unwavering
proclamations of innocence. They realized, however, that Medell needed more
to prove his innocence than the lack of any physical evidence Victoria had a
baby, including no hospital records, no doctor records, no one who ever saw a
baby, and the fact that she had a tubal ligation in 1995. Sympathetic
townspeople aided Medell's lawyers to raise money from charities and church
collections to pay for Victoria's medical tests. Nationally renowned
fertility expert Dr. Michael P. Steinkampf was enlisted to conduct the
examination. The author of numerous articles for professional publications,
and the Director of Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility at the
University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham, Dr. Steinkampf
conducted his examination of Victoria on July 12, 2001. What he found not
only supported the innocence of all three defendants, but established it with
a scientific certainty: Victoria's 1995 tubal ligation had been effective and
it was physically impossible for her to have become pregnant. After the
examination Dr. Steinkampf said Victoria was sterile and "it was impossible"
for her to have naturally conceived a child. Medell had been proven right:
all three defendants were the innocent victims of a wrongful prosecution for
the killing of a child that never existed.
When interviewed, Dr. Roshdy Habib, the doctor who first examined
Victoria Banks at the Choctaw County jail in February 1999, concurred with
Dr. Steinkampf's conclusion: "The evidence is very clear that she was not
pregnant." He also said that given her tubal ligation, she could only have
been impregnated "by the Holy Spirit."
Relying heavily on Dr. Steinkampf's conclusion that Victoria Banks' bilateral
tubal ligation prevented her from becoming pregnant, Medell's attorneys filed
a motion on July 16, 2001 to withdraw his guilty plea, and on July 18, 2001
the motion was amended to include a request for a "new" trial. During the
evidentiary hearing that followed in August 2001, the doctor that had
performed Victoria's tubal ligation agreed with Dr. Steinkampf's conclusions.
He further testified that absent a reversal of the surgery, the only way she
could become pregnant would be by vitro fertilization. The prosecutor did not
even suggest that Victoria had undergone vitro fertilization.
On September 28, 2001 Judge McPhearson rejected Medell's motions to withdraw
his guilty plea, for a new trial, and for the charges be dismissed. The judge
claimed that the only basis for doing so would be if Medell had presented new
evidence at the hearing that cast doubt on the veracity of the facts
underlying his conviction (that was solely based on his guilty plea). The
judge expressed the opinion Dr. Steinkampf's testimony that Victoria could
not have become pregnant or had a baby would not have swayed a jury to acquit
Medell. In making his ruling, the judge totally disregarded that the
existence of the alleged child was not supported by any physical, medical, or
scientific evidence. Medell appealed the denial of his motions to the Alabama
Court of Appeals. On August 9, 2002 that court reversed Judge McPhearson's
ruling and granted Medell's motion to withdraw his guilty plea. In making its
ruling that had the effect of voiding Medell's conviction, the Court stated:
"Therefore, after evaluating the circumstances of this case in the Heaton
framework and any other relevant information in the record that would
indicate whether a manifest injustice had occurred in this case, we hold
that a manifest injustice has occurred in this case." Banks v. State, No.
CR-01-0310 (Ala.Crim.App. 08/09/2002) (emphasis added.)
In his concurring opinion, Justice Wise wrote: "In my opinion, the facts of
this case present a classic example of a manifest injustice." (emphasis
The Appeals Court's order meant the prosecutor had the choices of taking
Medell to trial, dropping the charges and releasing him, or appealing the
ruling. Given the facts of the case it is remarkable that Choctaw County's
prosecutor not only chose to appeal, but he stated his intention to try
Medell for murder in spite of admitting in an August 2002 interview with NY
Times columnist Bob Herbert: "We have no physical evidence." When asked by
Mr. Herbert what evidence of any kind he had that Victoria Banks had a baby
in June 1999, the prosecutor replied: "Well, they all told us that." In other
words, the prosecutor's case against Medell hinges on confessions extracted
after days of intense interrogations during which the three mentally retarded
defendants were denied the benefit of consulting with lawyers. Medell's
lawyer Rick Hutchinson has openly expressed the opinion that the police took
advantage of the Choctaw Three to plant false confessions "in the minds of
these mentally retarded people."
So in spite of being innocent of committing any crime and having his
prosecution described by the Alabama Court of Appeals as a "manifest
injustice," Medell Banks Jr. continues to be incarcerated in an Alabama
prison because of the vindictiveness of a petty small town prosecutor
luxuriating in the limelight of national press attention for the one and only
time it will occur in his lifetime. The prosecutor is so enamored of his own
power that he filed perjury charges against Victoria for telling Judge
McPhearson that she hadn't been pregnant, even though her statement is
supported by all the physical and scientific evidence in the case. However,
Medell inched closer to being freed on September 20th when the Alabama Court
of Appeals refused to reconsider its decision of August 9, 2002. In another
display of his megalomania, the prosecutor announced he would
appeal the Court's ruling to the Alabama Supreme Court.
Medell's determination is shown by his choice to remain in prison and
continue pursuing his vindication when he turned down the same deal that
enabled Dianne Tucker to be released from prison on July 17, 2002. She was
released after accepting the prosecutor's deal for the judge to modify her
sentence to time served, in exchange for waiving her right to pursue any
further appeals in her case. Dianne was pressured into accepting that deal by
the uncertainty of the appeals process, the length of time it takes, and her
need to be with her two daughters.
Dianne Bell Tucker on her bunk in
Rick Hutchinson expressed the feeling of many people when he said: "I mean
this thing is just unbelievable." There was a time when the prosecution of
the Choctaw Three for killing a non- existent child would have been
unbelievable. However, unconscionable injustices are
occurring with such monotonous regularity in this country that they can be
described as having become the norm. It can only be hoped that Medell Banks
Jrs.' pursuit of vindication will eventually lead to the official exoneration
of him and his two co-defendants of any criminal wrongdoing related to the
death of a phantom child that is only a figment of the prosecutor's
Banks v. State, No. CR-01-0310 (Ala.Crim.App. 08/09/2002)
An Imaginary Homicide, Bob Herbert, NY Times, Op-Ed section, August 15, 2002
When Justice Is Mocked, Bob Herbert, NY Times, Op-Ed section, August 19, 2002
Three in Prison for Killing a Baby Who May Have Never Existed, Garry Mitchell (AP), Salt Lake City Tribune, March 3, 2002.
Justice In A Small Town: X-ray of Victoria Banks shows there had never been a baby, Part Three, Michael Luo (AP National Writer), Amarillo Globe-News, Amarillo, TX, July 13, 2002.
Woman accused in baby death case released from prison after judge modifies sentence, Chatom, AL (AP), North County Times, Escondido, CA, July 18, 2002.
Appeals Court Endorses Ruling, Wade Phillips (reporter), Montgomery, AL, WTOK-TV-11, September 20, 2002. At:
3 in Prison for baby’s death – but did it exist?, Associated Press, Arizona Republic, March 1, 2002.
The Choctaw Three Saga Continues - Medell Banks Jr. Walks Free When The
Murder Charge Against Him Is Dismissed!
By Hans Sherrer, JD Special Correspondent
At 5pm on Friday, January 10, 2003, Medell Banks Jr. walked out of the Choctaw
County Jail a free man. One of the Choctaw Three, Medell's release capped an
intense week of pretrial hearings that preceded the start of jury selection in his capital
murder trial for killing a non-existent child. He was released an hour after Circuit
Judge Harold Crow accepted Medell's "best interest" plea of tampering with
unspecified physical evidence, and the murder charge against him was dismissed.
That plea agreement was as strange as every other aspect of Medell's case. There
was no physical evidence for Medell to have tampered with, because the prosecutor
admitted to New York Times columnist Bob Herbert during an August 2002 interview:
"We have no physical evidence." [1] That is confirmed by the fact the misdemeanor
charge "was not even remotely connected with [Medell] causing the death or
participating in the death" of the phantom child. [2] In actuality the tampering charge
was as much a fabrication as the capital murder charge that was dismissed, but
however undeserved, the prosecution wanted at least an ounce of Medell's flesh.
Rick Hutchinson, Medell's lead lawyer, recognized the prosecutors had to be thrown
a bone of some sort, when he said of the deal that allowed Medell to immediately
walk out of jail after 3-1/2 years, "It couldn't have been any better." [3]
During the hearings leading up to Medell's sudden release, "Alabama Bureau of
Investigation agents and Choctaw County Sheriff Donald Lolley, whose work put
Banks behind bars, testified that they lied to him to elicit a confession." [4]
Furthermore, interrogation tapes played in court during the hearings showed that
even though no attorney was present in his behalf, Medell unwaveringly insisted over
and over, hour after hour, "that he knew nothing about a dead baby." [5] It wasn't until
he was totally exhausted late on the last night of his interrogation that he agreed with
his interrogators suggestion that "he heard a baby cry, then said he was tired and
wanted to go home." [6]
So Medell never admitted to killing or even seeing a child. It was while in a state of
exhaustion from many hours of intense interrogation that he merely agreed with his
interrogators suggestion that he heard a "baby cry." It was for that innocuous
admission under a level of almost unimaginable stress that the State of Alabama
sought to execute Medell Banks Jr. Not only did Medell's interrogator's plant the
idea in his mind when he was in a weakened state that he heard cries of the non-
existent baby, but they pressured him by lying that they had DNA evidence against
him. Furthermore, during the week of hearings, Medell's attorneys "presented
psychologists and other expert witnesses who testified that law officer's wrongly
interrogated Banks, and that his mental disability prevented him from understanding
his right against self-incrimination." [7]
Months of critical national publicity by the Associated Press, the New York Times and
Dateline NBC had failed to stop the prosecutor's drive to execute Medell, but the
accumulation of damning evidence aired in public during the week of hearings
caused the prosecution to suddenly agree to stop his trial by any face saving way it
The prosecution was so panicked to find a way, any way out of the case without
going to trial after the shocking revelations by their witnesses during the week of
hearings, that the plea agreement contained no limitation on Medell to recovering
damages from any person or governmental entity he is able to sue for their role in
causing him to spend 41 months and 5 days imprisoned for allegedly killing a child
that never existed. The prosecution tried to include that limitation, but caved when it
realized Medell would go to trial and be acquitted before agreeing to it. As
Hutchinson told reporters after Medell's release, "At no time would we waive our right
to bring civil charges against anybody for the way Medell has been mistreated during
all of this." [8]
Medell's release capped an almost evangelical campaign by his court-appointed
attorneys, particularly Rick Hutchinson, to expose the outrageousness of his wrongful
conviction. He garnered national publicity for Medell's case, and he printed yellow
and black FREE MEDELL bumper stickers and T-shirts that were distributed around
Choctaw County. Medell's other court appointed lawyer was James Evans, a former
prosecutor, and Jim Sears, an attorney specializing in mental retardation who
donated his time in the months leading up to Medell's January trial date.
Medell's family members and other supporters were present in the courtroom all
week as the wrongdoing of the police and prosecutors in Medell's case was exposed
for all the world to see. There was never a murder case against Medell Banks Jr.,
and the prosecutor tacitly admitted that when he agreed on the last court day before
the start of Medell's trial to drop the charge against him from capital murder for
which he could have been executed, to a minor misdemeanor charge that
resulted in his immediate and unconditional release.
When her son was freed Medell's mother said, "I'm just happy and thanking
everybody for all this help." [9] In his first public comment after leaving the jail, Medell
Banks Jr. said: "I'd like to thank God, I'd like to thank Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Evans, my
family and everybody for believing in me. I thank God I'm free." [10]
As this is written, the manslaughter convictions of Victoria Bell Banks and Dianne
Bell Tucker still stand. Their convictions are just as outrageous as that of Medell
Banks Jr., and it is hoped that a competent and crusading attorney will take up their
cause so their wrongful convictions will be cleared from their record. It is an
embarrassment to every law enforcement officer, prosecutor, judge and resident in
Alabama for coercive tactics straight out of Stalinist Russia to have been used to
extract fabricated guilty pleas from two innocent women for participating in the
murder of a child that only exists in the mind of a prosecutor who stooped to the level
of taking advantage of their mental state and insecurities, to gain his 15 minutes of
an infamy that will be his legacy until the end of time.
[1] An Imaginary Homicide, Bob Herbert, NY Times, Op-Ed section, August 15, 2002, and When Justice Is Mocked, Bob Herbert, NY Times, Op-Ed section, August 19, 2002.
[2] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[3] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[4] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[5] DA: Banks Release is Victory for Prosecution, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 14, 2003.
[6] DA: Banks Release is Victory for Prosecution, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 14, 2003.
[7] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[8] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[9] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.
[10] Medell Banks set free in baby case, Carla Crowder (staff), The Birmingham News, January 11, 2003.