Andy Riendeau, an American Indian who is also known as John Two Names,
asserts his innocence of the crimes mentioned below, and believes his
incarceration is in retaliation for his political activism for his People.
You decide.
Years of police harassment lead to conviction... The John Two-Names (Andy
Riendeau) Story
Submitted by John Two-Names (aka Andy J. Riendeau)
Edited by Barbara Jean McAtlin, Justice: Denied Staff
In 1992, I moved to Cullman County, Alabama, from Granite City, Illinois.
Shortly after starting school in Granite City, I was labeled as
"disrespectful" by school authorities. I was placed on probation after a
run-in with one of the schools' teachers, who was also a member of the Ku
Klux Klan. I transferred to another school and started dating the assistant
district attorney's cousin. She would tell me about the abusive nature of her
family, and she would come to school with bruises on her body. When I would
ask her why she had not reported the crimes against her, she would tell me
that she had, but her cousin would "take care" of the reports. He would
suppress the allegations in order to keep the family name respectable. As a
result of the abuse she was enduring, I helped her run away several times. I
gained a lengthy juvenile record as a result, and yet nothing changed at her
house. I was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and
interference in custody. At the age of fifteen, I was emancipated as an adult
and ordered to serve a year on supervised adult probation.
In 1994, the same situation occurred, but instead of just helping her run
away, I took her to San Diego, California. Once we were in San Diego, we
contacted an abuse shelter to get her some help. They conducted an
investigation into her story and, as a result, the news leaked out to the
public. I was extradited back to Alabama where I faced charges of
interference in custody and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In an
agreement between the district attorney, my girlfriend's attorney, and my
attorney, all charges would be dropped if she would dismiss her allegations
of abuse. Another part of the deal was that we were to get married. Even
though my girlfriend's cousin walked away, the story ruined his political
For several months after the story of my girlfriend's abuse broke, I was
continually harassed by the local police. I was pulled over so many times
that I lost my driver's license due to outstanding tickets. I was
incarcerated for three weeks for driving on a suspended license. Upon my
return home from jail, I found a note saying that my wife had found someone
I met the lady who is the mother of my child in October 1995. When she told
me of the pregnancy, I went back to Granite City, Illinois, to find a job and
a place to live. I wanted to leave Alabama because of the continuing police
harassment I was enduring. I didn't want that type of thing going on around
my son. Around the time I left Alabama, my younger brother broke into a
school and video store. I was unaware of this at the time, but one day on a
routine traffic stop, I was arrested for two felony warrants from Alabama. I
was once again brought back to Alabama to face charges. I stayed there until
my brother turned the stolen goods over and admitted to the crime. Although
he confessed, I was advised to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of
attempted burglary. I took the deal so I could get back to my girlfriend who
was now 8 months pregnant. On August 24, 1996, I received two years of
probation and went home.
On Labor Day weekend, a party was thrown at my house to celebrate my
brothers' and my return from Alabama. The party lasted into the early morning
hours of September 2. That same night my car was broken into, two schools
were burned down, and several places of business were broken into.
As I woke up the next morning, I heard a lot of commotion from outside. I got
up to see what was going on and saw a crowd of people standing at the nearby
gas station where I parked my car. I woke my brother up and we went to see
what was going on. I discovered that my car had been vandalized, so my
brother, Mark, and I went to report it. We drove up to a school where we
spotted a sheriff's deputy and reported the crime. Upon hearing my name, the
deputy told me to get into his car because I was a suspect in the crimes that
had occurred the night before. Agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms (ATF) also wanted to speak with me.
What followed was a three-day prisoner-of-war-style interrogation. Every
crude tactic you can think of was used to try to get me to confess to the
crimes. My brother and I were held for up to eighteen hours at a time being
questioned. We were denied food, water, and a telephone call. I refused to
confess, but my brother buckled under the pressure and told the officers that
we did it. My girlfriend went into stress-induced labor. I was placed in jail
where I was denied proper hygiene, exercise, and contact with family. I was
also charged with promoting prison contraband after giving a jailer a lost
handcuff key. After about eight months of this treatment, I attempted to
I was taken to trial in the summer of 1997. The prosecution built its case
against me saying that I had done the crimes out of revenge. Revenge for them
locking me up and harassing me! During my six-day trial, the only evidence
presented was the testimony of two people: Robert Summerford and Jason Cates.
The problem with Robert Summerford's testimony was that he had told my
attorney, Wilson Blalock, several months prior to the trial, that he knew who
had committed the crimes. When questioned at trial, he said that I had
offered him $20,000 to implicate someone else. He also said that he merely
"forgot" to mention the deal to investigators. He also said that he had heard
about the fires on the news and called a friend at 5:30 a.m. to tell him
about it. The problem with this is that the first person to arrive at the
scene didn't get there until 6:08 a.m. The same friend also testified that
Summerford had come to his house the day of the fires, wearing the same
clothes he had worn the previous night. They smelled of gas. Jason Cates
testified that I told him I was "going to do it [the attempted burglary]"
while locked up on a non-related charge.
A hammer had been recovered from the scene of one of the burglaries. The
hammer initially had been identified as one that had been stolen out of my
car. My stepfather, Jimmy Beard, had identified the hammer. At trial, he was
called to the stand to identify the hammer again. This time he said that it
was not the same hammer that investigators had shown him before. Upon
examination of the hammer, Evidence Technician Stan Bagget said that he had
personally collected that piece of evidence, put his initials on it, and
placed an evidence sticker number over his initials. He had then placed it in
the police evidence locker. Upon removing the sticker, his initials were not
About the third day of trial a note was passed to the judge. Someone had seen
the lead investigator, Phillip Lambert, and a female juror walking out of the
courthouse the previous day, arm-in-arm. When questioned about it, the lead
investigator said they were just friends and that he was walking her to her
car. When the juror was asked about it, she said she wanted a bailiff job and
she had asked Lambert how she could get the job. Lambert told her to try to
get the foreman position on the jury and get a conviction and he would see
about getting her a job. A mistrial was filed, but denied.
An agent from the ATF testified that an accelerant-detecting dog had alerted
them to several spots where gasoline had been used to start the fires in the
crimes. The lab tests that came back were negative for any type of
accelerants except for mineral spirits that had been used to re-varnish the
hardwood floors.
Though there were witnesses that could establish an alibi for me, none were
called by my defense lawyer. Three people could have testified as to my
The statement of Summerford was provided to my lawyer only three days before
my trial. With the testimony of Jason Cates and Robert Summerford, the two
state witnesses, I was convicted. No fingerprints, no eyewitnesses, no
recovered evidence, just two people saying, "That's him."
My trial lasted six days. I was found guilty of two counts of arson in the
second degree, four counts of burglary in the third degree, and one count of
breaking and entering a motor vehicle, all non-violent crimes. I was later
sentenced to ninety years and ordered to pay over five million dollars in
restitution and fines.
I am still fighting my conviction from prison. Since that time, Jason Cates
has come forward and recanted his testimony saying that the district attorney
and his investigators had promised him probation if he would say what they
wanted him to say. (Cates told a high-ranking Department of Corrections
official this story while he was in prison for a violation of probation.)
Reports issued under the freedom of information act state that there were
never any accelerants detected, hence the negative lab results. The attorney
who represented me at trial, Joe Morgan III, has signed an affidavit saying
that I should not get post-conviction relief because I had a "fair trial." He
also refuses to send me the necessary documents that it takes to file an
effective appeal.
I am now in a constant battle with Joe Morgan III, the Alabama Department of
Corrections, the ATF, and the courts, in an effort to prove my innocence. I
am in my sixth year of incarceration. In the five years that I have served, I
have seen that if one stands in the way of money or politics, you will be
dealt with. Such is my case, I caused a man to lose his political power and I
am now paying for that. I will not give up! I remain in struggle.
Andy "John Two-Names" Riendeau
#193786 Dorm B-1-61
Elmore Correctional Facility
PO Box 8
Elmore, AL 36025
My outside contacts:
Glenn Dyer
The Social Consciousness Development Group/J2N Freedom Collective
Attn: Anita C. Riendeau, co-organizer
PO Box 310953
Birmingham, AL 35231
(205) 791-9740
Dave/Houston A.B.C.
PO Box 667614
Houston, TX 77266-7614
Brothers in Tears Warrior Society of Turtle Island
c/o Eva Strong-Raven
(256) 747-3836
or Melody Little Deer
(256) 747-3250
PO Box 163
Logan, AL 35098
Nicole Raburn
17159 Creekside Dr.
Lindale, TX 75771
(903) 882-8273 or
(903) 882-1389