Tulia Undercover Deputy Tom Coleman
Convicted of Perjury
by Hans Sherrer
Justice:Denied magazine,
Issue 27, Winter 2005, page 13
Tom Coleman entering the courthouse
on the day of his conviction.
(Joe Don Buckner/Avalanche Journal)

Tom Coleman was on top of the world
after being honored as the Texas Department of Public Safety’s
1999 Outstanding Lawman of the Year. The award was for his undercover
investigation between January 1998 and July 1999 in the small Texas
Panhandle town of Tulia that resulted in 46 arrests and 38 convictions
for drug dealing. However beginning in 2000, there have been many
revelations about Coleman’s wrongdoing before, during, and after
his investigation. 1
Among the irregularities in
Coleman’s investigation was the lack of any audio or video
surveillance recordings corroborating that he had bought drugs from a
single arrested or convicted person, and when the dozens of people
were arrested and their homes searched, no drugs, weapons or unusual
amounts of money were found. It was also discovered that when hired by
Swisher County, Coleman was under indictment for stealing $6,700 from
Cochran County merchants while employed there as a sheriff deputy.
The disclosures about faults with
Coleman’s drug “investigation” and his questionable
character culminated in Governor Rick Perry’s pardon of 35 of the
Tulia defendants in August 2003, and a $6 million settlement in April
2004 of a civil rights lawsuit against counties and cities belonging to
the Panhandle Regional Narcotics Trafficking Task Force. That
settlement was split amongst the 46 people arrested due to
Coleman’s investigation.
Coleman’s fall from grace was
completed on January 14, 2005. A Lubbock, Texas jury found him guilty
of one count of aggravated perjury during a March 2003 evidentiary
hearing in Tulia. That hearing was ordered by the Texas Court of
Criminal Appeals to determine if the drug conviction of four Tulia
defendants was supported by any evidence other than Coleman’s
word. During that hearing Coleman testified that he did not learn that
he had been indicted in 1997 for stealing $6,700 from Cochran County,
Texas merchants - while working as a Cochran County sheriff deputy -
until August 1998. In convicting Coleman, the jury relied on evidence
that included Coleman's signature on a waiver of arraignment dated June
1, 1998 - two months prior to when he swore under oath he knew about it.
An interesting development during
Coleman’s trial is that after testifying as a defense witness,
Swisher County Sheriff Larry Stewart apparently forgot while being
cross-examined by Special Prosecutor Rod Hobson that he was a
participating in a perjury trial. Stewart was the person who hired
Coleman as an undercover agent in January 1998. Prior to Stewart
testifying, Amarillo Detective Jerry Massengill testified that he
conducted an extensive background check of Coleman - including
interviewing authorities and former associates in Cochran County - and
that he shared what he learned about Coleman’s shady past with
Stewart prior to Coleman’s hiring. Yet after Massengill’s
testimony, Stewart testified on cross-examination that he wasn’t
aware of Coleman’s troubled background and pending Cochran County
theft charges when he hired Coleman. Outside the presence of the jury,
Hobson told Judge Gleason that Stewart’s testimony was possibly
perjurious because it was contrary to previous statements Stewart had
given under oath, and he said to the judge, “I suggest you
appoint Sheriff Stewart a lawyer. We believe there's significant
variations in what he said, and it's problematic.” 2 Stewart was
dismissed as a witness and the judge assigned him a defense lawyer to
consult with. It is noteworthy that Stewart’s knowledge of
Coleman’s background prior to hiring him was supported by his
testimony that he wouldn’t rule out, in hindsight, hiring
Coleman knowing that he was under indictment for theft while working as
a law enforcement officer. 3
After the five-day trial, the jury
deliberated for about three hours before convicting Coleman of the
aggravated perjury count. However he was acquitted of another
aggravated perjury count related to whether he testified falsely about
filling a private vehicle at a Cochran County owned fuel pump, even
though a witness testified to seeing him do so. The jury also
recommended he serve a seven-year probationary sentence.
After the verdict, Hobson said that
whether perjury charges would be filed against Sheriff Stewart is up to
Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney Bill Sowder and a Lubbock
County grand jury. 4
Four days after Coleman’s
conviction, Judge Gleason held his sentencing hearing at the Swisher
County Courthouse in Tulia. Coleman was sentenced to ten years
probation. That makes him vulnerable to being sent to prison for a
probation violation. As Hobson observed, “It’s not
necessarily going to be easy for him to live on probation.” 5
Many people recognize that Coleman
was the little fish who took the fall for his superiors. Hobson
expressed that opinion after the sentencing hearing, “He (Sheriff
Stewart) was the evil architect in this whole deal.” 6
Note by Hans Sherrer. In the summer
of 2004 I talked with Special Prosecutor Rod Hobson about the status of
Coleman’s prosecution. He expressed determination to present what
he thought was a solid case against Tom Coleman. Based on the Lubbock
Avalanche-Journal‘s daily news stories about the trial, that is
what he did. Although there is no shortage of opportunities to cast the
actions of prosecutors across the nation in an unfavorable light,
Hobson deserves credit for not extending the law enforcement courtesy
of presenting a fluff prosecution case against Coleman that would have
ensured his acquittal of both perjury counts. Furthermore,
Hobson’s hard-nosed questioning of Sheriff Stewart laid the
foundation for Stewart’s prosecution for perjury if Lubbock
County’s prosecutor displays the same backbone as Hobson.
1 See, Travesty in
Tulia, Texas, Hans Sherrer Justice:Denied,
Issue 23, Winter 2004, page 3.
2 Swisher County
sheriff grilled on Coleman's background, by D. Lance Lunsford, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, January
13, 2005.
3 Sheriff testifies
about Coleman's arrest record, by Betsy Blaney (AP), Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, January
13, 2005.
4 Coleman convicted of
perjury, by D. Lance Lunsford, Lubbock
Avalanche-Journal, January 15, 2005.
5 Case closed, but
echoes still haunt Tulia, D. Lance Lunsford, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, January
19, 2005.
6 Id.